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Showing posts with label #Mental Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Mental Health. Show all posts

Male Unsusceptibility: The fallacy preventing legal recognition of male victims of sexual violence in armed conflict

By Lara Gaffney | 12 August 2024

The occurrence of sexual violence in armed conflict has been a phenomenon prevalent throughout history, evident across many cultures, as well as in all parts of the world. In fact, it has been characterised as an accepted part of the “universal mayhem unleashed by war.”[1]

Mental Health Risks High for Law Students and Junior Lawyers

By Rachel Vella | 3 November 2023

Survive law school and you're set. Right? Wrong! Whether you’ve gotten into law school and studying a prestigious and competitive degree or just been admitted as a lawyer and started working in a law firm for the first time, the narrative for success is often painted as obtaining exemplary grades, participating in extra-curricular activities and securing a position as a graduate lawyer.

HECS debt hit with a 7.10% increase: What this means for Law Students and Graduate Lawyers

 By Natalie Haddad | 21 July 2023

Yes, you may be wondering “Aren’t HECS-HELP debts supposed to be interest-free?” The answer to that question is yes, but the debt is indexed each year to align with inflation which means that every year when the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will increase the amount you owe on your HECS-HELP in line with the rate of inflation.